Book Eye Exam

Eye Exam Information

Schedule your annual eye examination online or give us a call.

We strive to offer affordable eye examinations. OHIP covers eye examination once a year for people aged 19 and younger or 65 years and older or if you have Diabetes, Glaucoma, Cataract, Retinal Disease, Amblyopia, Visual Field Defects, Corneal, or Optic Pathway diseases. ODSP and Ontario Works eye examinations are covered every two years under the health card. We also understand that paperwork can seem like a nuisance. To tackle that, we offer direct billing for eye examinations and eyeglasses to Sunlife, Green Shield, Canada Life, Industrial Alliance, Desjardins Insurance, Manulife, ODSP, Ontario Works and more. Ask our staff today if your insurance company offers direct billing.

Three Ways to Book An Eye Exam

(905) 793-0097


Frequently Asked Questions

Signs could vary depending on what is the exact problem with the vision but some common signs are:
headaches, nausea or dizziness after visual concentration

  • Blurred or double vision at any time
  • Short attention span
  • Blinking or eye rubbing after visual concentration
  • Difficulty reading small print
  • Difficulty adjusting focuses between near and far objects

As children, long farsightedness seems to be the best, which means it takes more focus to see closer objects. As we grow our short nearsightedness gets better allowing things to seen more clearly in a closer or a farther range. Naturally, presbyopia is experienced which is the natural worsening of vision due to age. Also, none of the symptoms should appear in an individual below 40s if they have normal vision.

 Eyes should be checked at least once a year but this could change if you have a prescription for your eyes or other medical concerns.

Book An Eye Exam

    We believe in healthy eyes and ensure our patients are happy with their bespoke eyewear.

    Have Any Questions ?

    Schedule an appointment with one of our Licensed Optometrists OR Call Us At (905) 793-0097